Schoolr makes it easy to stay on top of your studies. You post your question, we find you a qualified tutor to create a personalized video explaining each step of the problem. 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
Just a fast and reliable way to get the help you need.
Take of upload a picture.
Let us know when you need an answer by.
Tell us a little about how you're having trouble with the question.
We currently offer math solutions however we plan to offer all of STEM.
Decide how much you want to pay for a solution based on its difficulty.
Help is on the way.
Schoolr was built from the ground up for your convenience. By integrating stripe into our system you get the safest and fastest way to pay. You can use whatever credit card you like.
Schoolr is for anyone who needs homework help. A little or a lot.
Schoolr allows you to get help by the question so you never have to worry about paying too much.
Schoolr allows you to decide how much you want to pay.
Reach out to us and Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and let us know how you feel about our service. Tell us what you like, dislike something or if there is a feature you would like to see in future updates. We're all ears.